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It all began with a prayer meeting!

Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.

Late 1800's

Pioneer immigrants from Sweden began homesteading in this virgin prairie area of Kansas as early as the late 1800's.  As God stirred their hearts, cottage prayer meetings and informal worship services were held in their homes.  Small as these two or three room soddies were it was not uncommon for large groups to gather in them for their meetings.

"Where God is and desired,

no place is to small."

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Several different resources stated that the first sod church was built in 1880.  The native tongue of the immigrants was used entirely at first and for many years until it was realized that there were to many who had moved into the community that could not understand the Swedish language. 

Before 1900, the first revival meetings were held in a newly built barn, one mile east of where the church now stands... and the rest is history.

The Swedish Mission Friends Church was organized in the Lund Community as a result of those first revival meetings.

Middle to late 1900's

The forefathers of Lund congregation were a humble people with few worldly possessions but what they did have they shared and passed on, especially their devotion to God and to each other.

60 years after the humble beginnings an Anniversary celebration was held October 22-26, 1952.  

For more information click on link below:


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When the 75th Anniversary of the church was celebrated in July of 1967 it was an opportunity to reflect on all those who came before and how much God had done for and through the church.

Early 1900's

  In 1900 the church voted to join the Swedish Evangelical Mission Covenant of America.  The name was changed to Lund Covenant Church in the 1940's, since it was easy to pronounce and several in the community had come from Lund Sweden.

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The original structured building was replaced with this building in 1942 but was not completed until April of the following year.  A 50 year celebration was held in 1942.

What a great celebration considering the tremendous hardships the community had suffered and endured. They overcame and prevailed during 3 severe droughts:

1893, 1911 and 1934 with the last years bringing such terrific dust storms that many were disheartened to the point of despair.

The sustaining power of God was never taken lightly through these times and many miracles were recorded and passed down through the generations.


Lund Covenant Church stands alone in a field off the beaten path but for those of us who have made it our home, it is a beautiful group of believers who have a genuine faith in Jesus Christ and who have through the testing of time proved faithful. 


God is building His Church

God has brought us together to reach this community with the LOVE and MERCY of Jesus. 

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.

For the joy that was set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. Hebrews 12:1-3 NIVUK 

For more informtion

Decatur County Museum, in Oberlin, can be a great resource for those wanting to know more about the history of the Lund Covenant Church.  Click onto the link below:

Last Indian Raid Museum | | United States

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